Diablo 3 Conquista 350

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Diablo 3 Conquista 350
  1. Diablo 3 Conquest 350 Cursed Chest
  2. Diablo 3 Conquista 350 Specs

Conquests are a -only feature for.With the start of each Season, players will have the opportunity to earn Conquests. Conquests are special Season-only (offered in addition to the suite of non-Seasonal achievements already available in the game) that represent a variety of challenging goals. These goals can vary in terms of gameplay and difficulty, and some might be easier to complete than others. With tasks ranging from killing at level 70 on VI to finishing the five acts in an hour or less, Conquests are designed to encourage and promote an array of different playstyles.Conquests are considered 'first come, first served,' and the first 1,000 individuals to complete a Conquest within a given Season will be immortalized on that Season's regional. Intends to provide between 10-15 unique Conquests each Season, and each Conquest will have its own Leaderboard.

Diablo III - Season 12 Conquest Curses! 350 kills in a cursed chest Maicon Amarilho. Unsubscribe from Maicon Amarilho? Cancel Unsubscribe. For the 'Oh, The Places You'll Go' Achievement, loot, lore books, monster sightings, and more. Guide and locations of random dungeons in Act III of Diablo 3. This part covers The Arreat Gates, The Battlefields, Fields of Slaughter, and Rakkis Crossing.

Conquests will also provide achievement points and will count toward a player's Seasonal point total. These points will be provided regardless of whether a player's character placed in the regional Leaderboard. Main article: Season 1 Conquests Race To The TopReach 70.Living DangerouslyReach level 70 in Hardcore mode.SprinterComplete through at max level in under 1 hour.Speed RacerComplete Acts I through V at max level in under 1 hour in Hardcore mode.Death Gets GotKill at max level on Torment VI.Top SpotKill Malthael at max level on Torment VI in Hardcore mode.Now You've Done ItKill on max level on Torment VI.Now You've Really Done ItKill The Soul of Evil on max level on Torment VI in Hardcore mode.It's A MarathonReach level 30.Better Lucky Than GoodReach Greater Rift level 30 in Hardcore mode. Season 2 ConquestsNew Conquest achievements for Season 2.Season 2 will see Conquests that encourage long-term goals, activities that encourage a variety of gameplay, and out-of-the-box thinking.

Overview of the Boss Mode ConquestThe Boss Mode (Worlds Apart for Hardcore) conquest requires that you killall the bosses in Diablo 3 at max level on Torment X within 20 minutes of thestart of the game. Note that all players within a game must be present for everyboss kill in order to get credit for the bounty — this necessitates the'teleport saving' tactic outlined below.

Since this conquest requires a fairamount of preparation and resides well outside of the core gameplay loop (youusually do not engage bosses that are not bounties), it is rated as mediumdifficulty. Obtaining the Boss Mode ConquestThe first thing you need to establish before attempting the Boss Mode conquestis whether you have the actual character power to deal with the bosses in thenecessary timeframe. In order to do this, do a quick run against some of thehardest and some of the easiest bosses as per the table below; i.e. Urzael andKulle. If you can finish off the former within 45-60 seconds and the latterwithin 15-30 seconds, then the conquest should be doable.

Remember that monsterhealth and damage grow with additional players in the game, so if you plan ondoing this conquest in a party (recommended), count a few seconds on top of yoursoloing power checks.The bosses can be roughly divided into three categories: group one is bothhard to find and take long to fight, group two is either hard to find or takelong to fight, and group three is easy on both fronts. Note that this rankingdoes not take the actual difficulty of the fight into account, as this is aspeedrunning achievement and it is assumed you comfortably overpower all thenecessary bosses. For completeness of information, we also note which pre-bossareas can be navigated better with teleportation abilities (Wizard's, Monk's ); those that cannot are bestleft to characters with speed buffs (Barbarian's, DH's). Hard To Find And Long To Fight. Urzael — Residing in the Tower of Korelan area, you have to navigatethe unforgiving winding Westmarch Heights streets before reaching this boss.Thankfully, the layout of Westmarch Heights is friendly to teleports and dashes.Urzael has forced dialogue and cinematic sequences, ensuring he takes extra timeand cannot be oneshot. In a group, assign your best runner to this boss. Diablo — In order to reach The Crystal Arch where Diablo resides, youhave to plough your way through the long corridors of The Silver Spire level 2.The layout of the level is friendly to teleports and dashes.

Similarly toUrzael, Diablo has forced dialogue, scene transitions and cinematic sequencesthat prevent oneshots. This kill would also benefit from a great runner. Adria — Reaching The Great Hall, the home of Adria, requires you todelve into the Ruins of Corvus maze first.

The numerous closed doors constantlybar the way through the level, making it unsuitable for teleport-based runners.Adria can be oneshot with no interruptions.2.2. Hard To Find Or Long To Fight.

Malthael — Before you reach Malthael, you have to brave the portals ofPandemonium Fortress level 2. With the updated waypoint in patch 2.5 however, youare set directly in front of the correct path to the boss and can simply startdown the chain of portals. The level is not teleportation friendly due to thelong distances between platforms. On top of that, Malthael is a longer and harderboss than any of the others, cannot be oneshot and has lengthy transitions.Assign a high damage runner to him. Aranae — To get to her, you need to find your way through a lengthyand annoying cave maze with multiple dead ends; at the very least, its corridorsare straight and teleport-friendly.

The fight itself is easy, but Aranae has anaggravating mechanic forcing her to run at specific health percentages. A highburst damage dealer can brute force the mechanic and one- or twoshot her —highly recommended. Belial — reaching Belial requires that you tread the linear path of theCity of Caldeum waypoint. The boss resides in The Imperial Palace and fights forlonger than most — having enforced add spawning mechanics first, then twoforms with a transition between them.

Make sure the runner for this bosscomfortably overpowers him, since some of Belial's attacks (especially in phase2) can chunk or outright kill unprepared characters, costing you theattempt. Butcher — Butcher's lair, the Chamber of Suffering, can be found aftertraversing the depths of Halls of Agony level 3, a dungeon of considerablelength. Its corridors are only rarely punctuated with closed doors, marking thekill as still efficient for teleporters. Butcher can be oneshot.

Izual — Similarly to Diablo, getting to Izual requires you to find yourway through The Silver Spire tileset (but level 1 instead). The level iscomprised of long corridors that are teleport-friendly.

Izual himself resides inthe next area, The Great Span, and can be oneshot. Siegebreaker — The path to the Siegebreaker is simple but long; youhave to cross the span of Rakkis Crossing. The area is well suited to teleportingand dashing characters, since they can bypass under- and overpass transitions bysimply jumping the gaps. The Siegebreaker can be oneshot. Cydaea — You will reach Cydea once you descend the winding stairs ofthe Tower of the Cursed, starting at the waypoint on level 1, going through level2 and finally the Heart of the Cursed. This kill is best left to movement speedbased runners, since it is a sizable distance that cannot be skipped withteleports.

Cydea herself can be oneshot, but with insufficient DPS may retreatmultiple times and spawn adds, similarly to Aranae. Send a burst damage dealeron this one.2.3.


Easy To Find And Fight. Ghom — Ghom resides in The Keep Depths level 3, a significantly shortertier than the previous two. The area has a single dead end and a single correctbranch, and you can get a hint for the latter if you encounter the Guard of theKeep NPC next to a door; continue forward to reach The Larder. Note that thearea is unfriendly to teleporters due to its multiple closed doors. Ghom canbe oneshot.

Skeleton King — The Royal Crypts are a straightforward but rather longarea that is suitable to teleport-based characters — they can bypass thebroken passages in both the general crypt as well as the Skeleton King's. Despitehis lengthy spawn animation, the Skeleton King can be oneshot. Azmodan — To reach Azmodan, you have to make a flight through The Coreof Arreat, a mid-sized but completely straightforward area. Both the Core and theHeart of Sin areas feature lengthy running sections, and are best left tomovespeed-based runners.

Azmondan can be oneshot. Rakanoth — This boss is always forward and straight down the left pathof Gardens of Hope 1st Tier. Rakanoth can be oneshot. Maghda — From the Road to Alcarnus waypoint you have to make a brief,C-shaped tour of the ruined city in order to reach the Lair of the Witch.

Maghdacan be oneshot. Kulle — The easiest boss to get to by far. Teleporting on the Archivesof Zoltun Kulle waypoint lands you right across the entrance to the SoulstoneChamber where he resides. Kulle can be oneshot.2.4. Helpful Gear And SkillsThere are several items, class-agnostic and class-specific, that can help yousuccessfully complete this conquest. On top of that, every class has one or morespells to aid both speed and utility. Class-agnostic — Wearing or cubing can nullify importantcooldowns, most notably movement related ones like.

You can further optimize by wearing or cubing, which prevent the interruption of teleporting to town at alltimes (important — read why below). Barbarian — Do not forget to use abilities like Marathon,Merciless Assault, or combos like plusand the Bul-Kathos's Oath set (and ) plus. In your passives,consider. Strongly consider taking, since it prevents the interruption of teleportswhile it is active. Crusader — Combine the power of withand add Wings of Angels on top. In yourpassives, take to extend the effects of the movespeedlaw; can be considered but is not necessary.

Stronglyconsider taking, since it prevents the interruption ofteleports while it is active. Demon Hunter — will be your bread and butter skill,combined with in your passives;can be considered, but is not necessary. Wearing or simply swapping intoDanetta's Hatred set ( and ) cantrivialize any long distance and makes you one of the best runners.

Stronglyconsider taking, since it prevents the interruption ofteleports while it is active. Monk — You will primarily boost mobility with a combination ofWay of the Falling Star andAnnihilation, plus the helpful passive increase of. We recommend using a Raiment set build, since its 4-piecebonus makes a spender; another alternative is using the.

Strongly consider taking, since it preventsthe interruption of teleports while it is active. On top of that, it dashes youto targeted enemies for free within a considerable range. Necromancer — Your main mobility skill is, whichshould be augmented with.

Add to thatOpportunist in your active skills and inyour passives, and you should have a good foundation for success. Witch Doctor — The combination of Angry Chicken and the wornManajuma set ( and ) makesWDs one of the best runners for this conquest.

Diablo 3 conquest 350

You can augment that mobilityeven more by adding Severance and (ofcourse, with one of the listed pets summoned) into the mix. Wizard — plus andin your passives will provide the basis of your mobility.You can add a little extra on top with Scramble, but it isnot necessary.

Diablo 3 Conquest 350 Cursed Chest

Consider using an -based build, since the skillprevents town portal interruptions (not to mention their natural mobility).3. Soloing The ConquestWith ease in mind, soloing the conquest is not the recommended thing to do.Nevertheless, it is quite doable with a single character, and a fun way tochallenge yourself. Any of the builds from the recommended section below cancomplete this conquest solo with a well equipped character. The boss difficultytier list above is meant to acquaint you with the hard points of the run, notto enforce a particular order — you can stick to the list or do them onan act-by-act basis to keep things simple. Grouping Up For The ConquestOrganizing a party for this conquest will practically guarantee your success.You can either knock out the bosses using the difficulty order above, or do themon an act-by-act basis to minimize the necessary coordination (still quitedoable).

Diablo 3 Conquista 350 Specs

Since the conquest requires that all players be present for the bosskill to get credit, make sure to learn and remember to save your progress viateleports. When everyone in the group sets off to find a boss, inevitablysomeone will arrive before the others. At that point, everyone else MUST savetheir progress in the level by teleporting to town (default key: 'T'), andaccept the boss fight invitation. Once the boss kill is complete, return totown by opening the map (default key: 'M') and selecting the town waypoint (andNOT via T!) — this will not overwrite your first teleport, so you canresume where you left off.

Diablo 3 Conquista 350